Welcome to Summitville First Baptist Church

What are you looking for when you walk into a church? Do you long to feel Accepted?  Welcomed? We bet you are looking to feel at Home. And that is how we feel here- Home! How much easier it is to hear God and feel the Holy Spirit move when you feel like you belong. Be confident that no matter what you have done, where you have been, or who you have been,  you will always be welcomed here.  Our church is here to share the LOVE of JESUS the way He would share His Love if He were here. We are one big family and one small part in the family of God. No shame, no sorrow, no problem, no behavior, can keep you from knowing the hope that is found in Jesus Christ and growing in your spiritual walk.  We seek to glorify and honor our Lord and Savior by Loving God and Loving People. So come on in! Maybe we can be the family you never had, maybe we can help you find the love you have never received, or maybe, the acceptance you are longing for but have never found. God is here and He is with us. Please join us and feel the power of the Spirit move in and around you. Can't wait to see you here!